Fee Structure

Fee Structures

Fee will be charged as per the instruction issued from the Directorate of School Education, Haryana, Panchkula from time to time. As of now fee charged is given below:

Sr. No.SubjectClassAmount
1.One Time Admission Fees1 to 5500/-
6 to 121000/-
2.Monthly Fees1 to 3200/-
4 to 5250/-
6 to 8300/-
9 to 10400/-
11 to 12500/-

Reservation as per 134-A:- As per the section 134-A of the Haryana Education Law-2003, the provision for fees of meritorious students of BPL category will be as follows:

BPL/EWS families having income (in Rs.)Percentage of Reservation
Below 2 Lac20%
2 Lac to 2.50 Lac10%
Above 2.50 LacNo Reservation