10th Result session 2021-22 is as follows:

10 th RESULT * TOTAL STUDENTS :-71PASSED :-46FAILED:-21COMPARTMENT:-04Subject wise Result:-Hindi:-61/71English:-61/71Science:- 68/71Math:-42/71S.S10 th A:-32/3610th B:-26/35One student failed in 1 subject Total merit:- 15First division:-17Second division-14More than 90%:-480-90%:-675-80%:-5 Merit list***1:-Anjali -463(92.6)2:-Asana -460(92)3:-Sonia- 454(90.8)4:-Saman-453(90.6)5:-Tarsem-446(89.2)6:-Manpreet-441(88.2)7:-Palak-430(86)8:- Yogesh-419 (83.8)9:-Abhay -417 (83.4)10:-Varsha-408 (81.6)11:-Anjana-398 (79.6)12:-Sanjana- 398(79.6)13:-Harsh- 381 (76.2)14:-Narender-376 (75.2)15:-Muskan-374 (74.8)

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Science & Maths Exhibition 2021-22

Annual session 2021-22 Science and Maths model exhibition was organized at school level, in this exhibition the students of the school prepared models using their discretion and intelligence on various themes,Under the guidance of Chemistry Lecturer Mr. Sarvjit Singh, Mathematics Lecturer Mr. Vikramjit Singh and Rajpal, Biology Lecturer Mrs. Kavita Saini, Mathematics Subject Teacher Mr. […]

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